Above:  Some of our fabulous garden team at work setting up the plant sale.


The Denmans Garden February Plant Sale includes specially selected shrubs, grasses, ferns, and herbaceous perennials marked down as much as 50% while supplies last.  We propagate many here on site and take care to ensure that we have unusual and interesting offerings throughout the year.  To learn more about our expanding plant nursery, please click here.

Included are the following plants. We have limited quantities so first-come first served. We are not able to provide mail-order services.

Herbaceous Perennials
Campanula persifolia
Centranthus ruber ‘Snowcloud’
Salvia forsskaolii
Sanguisorba crangshas ‘Cranberry’
Agastache Golden Jubliee
Penstemon heterphyllus ‘Blue Springs’
Euphorbia cyparrias
Erygngium zabellii ‘Violetta’
Artemesia pontica
Verbena ‘Bampton’
Nepeta Blue Dragon
Dianthus carthusianorum
Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’
Euphorbia characias
Calamintha ‘Blue Cloud’
Geranium ‘Johnson’s Blue’
Hosta (various)
Alchemilla mollis,
Phlomis tuberosa
Kniphofia caulescens
Libertia chilensis
Sisyrinchium striatum 

Dryopteris wallichiana
Polystichium setiferum

Carex oshimerisis ‘Everillo’
Carex oshimerisis ‘Evergold’

Elaeagnus ‘Silver Gilt’
Cornus ‘Mid-Winter Fire’
Bupleurum fruiticosum
Rubus spectabilis
Salix britzensis
Sambucus ‘Variegata’
Spiraea ‘Anthony Waterer’
Nandina ‘Lemon & Lime’
Callicarpa bodinieri