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The News from Denmans Garden, March 2025
Here is the News from Denmans Garden for March 2025 -- happy reading!
Plant-of-the-Month: Daphne odora ‘Marginata’
Above: Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata’ blooming in the Nut Walk. There are several plants with fragrant winter flowers [...]
Actress Paula Tinker– Spotlight on performing at Denmans Garden
‘A fascinating play, excellently performed by Paula Tinker, ably accompanied by musician and lyricist John Gleadall’ londonpubtheatres.com ‘Poisoned [...]
Plant-of-the-Month: Fatsia japonica ‘Spider’s Web’
Above: A large planting of Fatsia japonica 'Spider's Web' at the top of the Nut Walk brightens up [...]
Denmans Garden February Plant Sale — while supplies last!
Above: Some of our fabulous garden team at work setting up the plant sale. The Denmans Garden [...]
Lost Gardens of London: John Brookes’ Modernist Garden at Penguin Books
The Garden Museum in Lambeth has presented an exhibition entitled the "Lost Garden of London". As part of [...]